Student Testimonials

It's one of the best language schools I've ever been, good school, high standards, really friendly and professional staff. You can meet loads of people there, and have a lot of fun and on top of that you learn real much more. In Reading there are many things that I like: beautiful Thames River, worldwide food, live music everywhere and the people are incredibly friendly. I'm lucky because I've met special people in Reading and our school, people from different countries and locals. These people will be in my life forever, I'm sure.
Fang, China
Being here has let me improve my overall skills. I've been here for three months on a full-time scheme and definitely I would say my English is up to scratch. I'm thinking of taking IELTS next February as I feel more confident now.
Daniel, Venezuela
Центр по обучению английскому языку (Школа Кейт) воистину чудесное место с уникальной атмосферой. Обучаясь английскому вы встретите очень интересных людей, окунетесь в их культуры и откроете себя. Школа Кейт обогатила мою жизнь и дала мне столько вдохновения, что вот уж сколько лет оно продолжается.
The English Language Centre (Kate's school) is a truly wonderful place with a unique atmosphere. Studying English you will meet very interesting people, dive into their cultures. Kate’s school has enriched my life and has given me so much inspiration.
Mike, Russia
Kjo shkollë është e fantastike. Tani unë kam një Anglishte me të mirë dhe shumë shokë nga e githë bota... Unë po kalaj shumë minë këtu.
This school is fantastic. Now I have good English and a lot of friends from all over the world.
Iva, Albania
Herkes bu kursa gelmeli. Bütün öğretmenler çok iyi ve yardimci. Eğer ingilizce öğretmek istiyorsan ve yeni arkadaşlarla tanişmak istiyorsan buraya gel.
An excellent course, I'd recommend it to everyone. The teachers are very nice and helpful. If you want to learn English and meet international people, you'll come on this course.
Deniz, Turkey
I enjoy studying English at the school. There are wonderful teachers who help to improve my English a lot. I like the atmosphere of the lessons and activities that we do. I'm very grateful.
Vera, Russia
Desde que me llegada a esta escuela mi Inglés no ha parado de mejorar. Te sientes muy cómodo aquí con tantas actividades organizadas semanalmente. El profesorado es de Reading por lo que pueden ayudarte en cualquier duda que puedas tener.
Since I arrived at this school my English has not stopped improving. You feel very comfortable here with so many activities organized weekly. The teachers are from Reading so they can help you with any questions you may have.
Mario, Spain
I'm very happy in this school. All the people here are nice and you can know a lot of different cultures.
¡Os recomiendo esta escuela! y tengo 67 años...
Isabel, Spain
No dudéis en venir. Los profesores, a demás de ser muy buenos dando clase, crean un ambiente increíble en la language school. Aprenderás y serás muy feliz.
Do not hesitate to come. The teachers, besides being very good at teaching, create an incredible environment in the language school. You will learn and you will be very happy.
Victor, Spain
Viver fora do seu país é uma incrível experiência, aqui você podera não só aprimorar seu inglês como conhecer pessoas de todo o mundo e fazer grandes amigos.
To live outside your country is an incredible experience. Here you can not just improve your English and meet international people and know good friends.
Danielle, Brazil
Është e mrekullueshme mënyra sesi kolegji i inkurajon studentet per tu bërë aktiv gjatë mësimit. Jamë i sigurt se duke investuar në edukimin tim për të mësuar anglisht në English Language Centre është investimi më i mirë për të ardhmen time.
It's fabulous the way that the college encourages students to be active during the lessons. I believe learning English at the English Language Centre is the best investment of my life.
Ertil, Albania
بريطانيا ، ريدنق *قاعات ذكية . *فصول نشطة . مدرسين علئ خبرة واسعة في مجال تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية مع المتحدثين بلغات مختلفة، لديهم القدرة علئ إيصال المعلومة بأبسط الطرق ، واتقان مهارات القراءة ، والكتابة ، وتطرق التحدث ، والاستماع مع المتحدثين الأصلين للغة . الموقع المناسب : • لقربها من لندن العاصمة البريطانية . • موقع المدرسة في وسط مدينة ريدنق . • علئ بعد خطوات من المجمع التجاري . • وبالقرب من محطة القطارات المتصلة بجميع المدن البريطانية .
Yazeed, Saudi Arabia
Čas v Readingu jsem si velice užil. Jazyková škola je hezká a učitelé jsou milí a nápomocní. Ostatní lidé v Anglii jsou také laskaví. Jazykový kurz mi pomohl zlepšit mojí angličtinu. Jsem rád, že jsem tam byl. Doporučil bych navštívit tuto školupro všechny, kteří si chtějí zlepšit svojí angličtinu.
I enjoyed my time in Reading very much. The language centre was nice and teachers were friendly and helpful. Other people were friendly too. And this course helped me improve my English. I am glad I was here. I would recommend to visit this language centre anyone who wants to improve their English.
Jakub, Czech Republic
Haber estudiado en esta escuela fue una excelente experiencia para mí. El ambiente es increíble, el personal es muy profesional y servicial. Los maestros son excelentes y tuve la oportunidad no solo de mejorar mi inglés, sino también de conocer la cultura en el Reino Unido y hacer nuevos amigos de diferentes países. Estoy muy agradecida con The English Language Centre, ahora me siento más segura. La escuela de Kate ha contribuido mucho a mi vida, por eso la recomiendo, el TELC superó mis expectativas. No te arrepentirás :) Me encantó.
Having studied at this school was an excellent experience for me. The atmosphere is amazing, the staff are so professional and helpful. The teachers are excellent and I had the opportunity not only to improve my English, but also the chance to get to know the culture in the UK and made new friends from different countries. I am so grateful to The English Language Centre, I feel more confident now. Kate’s school has contribute a lot to my life, that’s why I recommend it, the TELC exceeded my expectations. You will not regret :) I loved it.
Taty, Colombia
Mon expérience dans l'école fut très bénéfique pour moi et pour mon projet professionnel. Les professeurs étaient à l'écoute de chacun malgré nos lacunes en anglais. Ce fut dans une bonne ambiance collective que j'ai appris à avoir confiance en moi dans ma prise de parole en anglais. J'ai que des bon souvenir de l'école car ce fut ici que j'ai rencontré mes amis, comme Taty ou bien Jamila. J'ai hâte après mes études de journalisme de venir vous revoir.
I met lot's of Friend, I'm staying in contact with TATY or JAMILA. First of all, the english was really good for different reasons such as giving confidence to foreign people in the approaching of learning english. Teachers are very understanding with our bad english accent, as I had, and also they are very good to make english more easier in the class, like doing speaking exercices. That's helping me alot today for my journalism school. I'm the best english speaker in the class so I help others as I learned in didcot's school. My school is very hard work but when you are doing something you like, the difficulty is invisible.
Jeremy, France
مركز اللغة الإنجليزية تجربة رائعة مررت بها في حياتي. كان هناك الكثير من الأشياء التي جعلتني أقول ذلك. في البداية كان الترحيب مبهجًا كوني في بلد جديد. المديرة و الأساتذة ودودون للغاية، ولديهم الشعور بالمسؤولية لتعليمنا. لقد أتيحت لي الفرصة لتعلم الكثير من الكلمات كل يوم في المدرسة ، ثم انتبهت بدون سابق إنذار أني التقطت الكثير من الكلمات الإنجليزية في الشهر الأول وفق منهج ( السمع ،والتكلم، والقراءة، والكتابة ) وهو أمر لا يصدق بالنسبة لي. هؤلاء الأشخاص لا يعلمونك اللغة الإنجليزية فقط ، بل يعلمونك أيضًا كيف تكون واثقًا وقويًا من نفسك عندما تتحدث بلغة مختلفة ، ها أنا الآن أستطيع التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بثقة وقوة وراحة. شيء اخر كي لا أنسى أنه أتيحت لي الفرصة لمقابلة العديد من الطلاب من مختلف البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم وتعلمت أيضًا التنوع الثقافي ومختلف التقاليد في العديد من البلدان من خلال هذه التجربة الفريدة. كان ذلك مذهلا. أوصي حقًا بمركز اللغة الإنجليزية لأي شخص يرغب في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في ريدينج ، المملكة المتحدة . حب و سلام
The English Language Centre was a great experience. There were many things that make me say that. At the beginning the welcome was wow, amazing as a foreigner in a new country. The manger and the teachers were friendly, lovely, and they have the sense of responsibility for teaching us. I had the opportunity to learn a lot of words every day at the school, and then after one month I realized that I picked up a lot of English words and expressions, which was incredible for me. These people aren’t just teaching you English they are teaching you how to be confident and strong when you speak a different language. Here I am now, I have the ability to speak English confidently, strongly, and comfortably. One more important thing to not forget, I had the chance to meet many students from different countries around the world and I’m still in touch with them. I had also learned about cultural diversity and different traditions in many countries through this unique experience. That was amazing, I’d really recommend The English Language Centre for anyone who wants to learn English.
Jamila, Saudi Arabia
ในตอนแรกที่ตัดสินใจมาประเทศอังกฤษคนเดียว เรามีความกังวลใจมากๆ เนื่องจากเราพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้น้อยมากค่ะ แต่พอได้เข้ามาเรียนที่โรงเรียนแห่งนี้ เราก็รู้สึกคลายความกังวลได้เยอะมากเลยค่ะ เนื่องจากโรงเรียนแห่งนี้ไม่ได้มีขนาดที่ใหญ่มาก คุณครูและเจ้าหน้าที่ในโรงเรียนก็ใจดีมากๆ ทุกๆคนพร้อมที่จะคอยช่วยเหลือเราตลอดเวลา และช่วยเหลือเราในทุกๆเรื่องเท่าที่จะทำได้ค่ะ ทุกๆคนตั้งใจมากที่จะคลายความกังวลให้กับเราค่ะ การเข้ามาเรียนที่นี่ทำให้เราปรับตัวเข้ากับประเทศอังกฤษได้อย่างง่ายดายเลยค่ะ เพื่อนๆที่เราได้มารู้จักที่โรงเรียนก็น่ารักมาก แม้ว่าเราจะยังพูดภาษาอังกฤษไม่ได้ แต่ทุกคนก็พยายามสื่อสารและช่วยเหลือเราตลอดเวลาที่เรามีปัญหา เมื่อพวกเรามีเวลา พวกเรามักจะไปท่องเที่ยวด้วยกันอยู่บ่อยๆอีกด้วยนะคะ การเรียนภาษาอังกฤษที่โรงเรียนสนุกสนานมาก เราไม่ได้แลกเปลี่ยนแค่เรื่องภาษาเท่านั้น แต่เราได้เรียนรู้เรื่องต่างๆ รวมถึงแลกเปลี่ยนวัฒนธรรมกับเพื่อนๆที่มาจากหลากหลายประเทศทั่วโลกด้วยค่ะ นอกจากนี้ เราได้เรียนรู้เรื่องราวต่างๆ เกี่ยวกับประเทศอังกฤษจากคุณครูที่โรงเรียนอีกด้วยค่ะ โรงเรียนนี้ตั้งอยู่ที่ใจกลางเมืองเรดดิ้ง ซึ่งเป็นเมืองที่เราคิดว่าไม่ได้ไกลจากลอนดอนมากนัก เพียงแค่เรานั่งรถไฟแค่ 30 นาทีเท่านั้นเองค่ะ ค่าครองชีพที่นี่ก็ถูกกว่าแต่ความสะดวกสบายไม่ได้ต่างจากลอนดอนเลยนะคะ ถ้าใครมีโอกาสที่จะได้มาเรียนที่ประเทศอังกฤษเราอยากจะแนะนำให้ทุกคนมาเรียนที่โรงเรียนนี้นะคะ
When I decided to go England alone, I was worried because I couldn’t speak English. However, when I came to study at the school, I was felt better, because of the school not too big, teachers and staff were very kind, and they were always ready to help me. They fully intended on easing my worries. So, it was quite easy to get used to living in England. My friends that I have met here, were very wonderful, although I couldn’t speak English well. They tried to communicate with me and help me when I had problems. When we had time, we always went traveling together. Studying English at school was very fun, not only for learning a language, but also exchanging knowledge and cultural experiences with my friends that came from many parts of the world. I learnt so many things about England from my teachers at school. The school was located in the city centre of Reading, not too far from London, 30 minutes by train. The cost of living here is cheaper than London, but you will have enough to live comfortably. If you have an opportunity to study English in England, I would recommend The English Language Centre.
Ayumi, Thailand
Ainda me lembro do meu primeiro dia na escola, não conhecia ninguém, um pouco tímido me sentei ao lado de uma garota que mais tarde me tornaria amigo dela. Eu estava fazendo outro curso de Inglês mas não consegui passar no exame avançado de Cambridge. Depois disso, estava procurando outra escola e um amigo me disse que essa escola em Reading era muito boa, então decidi dar uma olhada. Mal sabia eu que iria encontrar um excelente grupo de professores que me ajudaria a passar no exame avançado. Hoje, aprender inglês é muito importante tendo em mente que o mundo se tornou um lugar pequeno e que estamos conectados por esse idioma universal, ajudando-nos a nos comunicar. Tudo o que aprendi com o Centro de Idiomas me ajudou a encontrar meus pontos fortes no aprendizado de outro idioma; ele desenvolveu minha capacidade de ouvir, falar e sem dúvidas minhas habilidades de escrever, por ser minha fraqueza. Agora estou confiante o suficiente para encontrar um emprego melhor.
I still remember my first day at the school, did not know anybody, rather coy and shy l sat next to a girl that later on I would become the best of friends with her. I was attending another college but I fail to pass the Cambridge Advanced Exam. After that I was looking for another school and a friend told me that this school in Reading was very good so l decided to check it out. Little did I know I was going to meet an outstanding group of teacher who would helped me to pass the Advanced Exam. Learning English is so important nowadays having in mind that the world has became such a small place that we are connected by this universal language helping us to communicate to one another. All that I have learnt from the Language Centre helped me to find my strengths in learning another language, it developed my listening, speaking and with no doubt my writing skills, by far being my weakness. Now l am confident enough to find a better job.
Marco, Brazil
Aprender y mejorar Inglés fue uno de mis propósitos cuando decidí ir a Inglaterra (Reading) por primera vez, y me alegra decir que no he podido tener más suerte y hacer mejor elección con a la academia de estudios TELC, durante mi estancia de dos meses. Aunque al principio tuve dudas respecto a matricularme en este centro ya que estuve visitando varias academias, el precio atractivo y la increíble atmosfera de trabajo me hizo decidirme, además debo decir que estoy más que agradecido tanto con Kate y Lucy ambas profesoras y grandes profesionales, con las cuales además de aprender me he divertido ya que consiguen dar las clases con gran sentido de humor lo cual hace que sean muy entretenidas, también quiero destacar a Kasia, la recepcionista que ha sido muy amable y atenta desde el primer momento mostrándome ayuda en todo. Por tanto, por todas estas razones recomendaría encarecidamente esta escuela en Reading a todas las personas interesadas en aprender inglés, pero al mismo tiempo pasar un buen rato con personas que te hacen sentir como en casa. Muchas gracias por todo, *****
Learning and improving my English was one of the purposes when I came to England (Reading) for the first time, and I am glad to say that I would have not chosen better with this academy during my 2 month period here. Although at the beginning I had doubts about other schools and TELC, the appealing price and amazing work atmosphere of the last one completely convinced me. Moreover, I’m more than grateful to Kate and Lucy, respective teachers, and the most brilliant receptionist Kasia, for their professionalism and effort apart from that sense of humour that made the classes very entertained. Therefore, for all these reasons I would highly recommend this school to everyone who is interested in learning English but at the same time to spend a great time with people that make you feel like you are at home. Thank you so much *****
Javier, Spain


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